Click on the title to SWB # 14317 on Sufi Bozos and Shades of Grey
Click below to Cocco Bill, the Italian Shaykh of Brawls http://tinyurl.com/6djb9u
Click below to Cocco Bill, the Italian Shaykh of Brawls http://tinyurl.com/6djb9u
Rane Senza Frontiere Frösche Ohne Grenzen Grenouilles Sans Frontieres Ranas Sin Fronteras Katak-katak tanpa sempadan Katak-katak tanpa batas الضفادع بلا حدود צפרדעים ללא גבולות قورباغه بدون مرز
Sınırları olmayan kurbağalar Rãs sem fronteiras βατράχια χωρίς σύνορα
Funny cartoon, poignant and how true that “Sufism has many paths”.
Love the message of all colors (Rangha).Simply Beautiful.
Salam Dear Azita, and thank you so much for your positive comment!
Love and chocolate from the Sufi Frogs.
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