Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Water, Fire and Words with a Meaning.

Melek and Nûr at Bikkembergs store, Milan. The store exhibited Teuco's *Seaside* bathtub, designed by Giovanna Talocci.

Yes, we had a really interesting conversation with a staff member of Teuco at the *Salone Bagno* (the International Bathroom Exhibition) about their new technology *Hydroline*. It is always rewarding to meet with people who really know what they are talking about. Unfortunately this is not always the case... but we Frogs have luck, or perhaps it is our Sufi attitude, attracting people with an equal heart.

We had another interesting conversation at *Eurocucina* (the International Kitchen Furniture Exhibition), with an expert Technician who enlightened us about the mechanical opening support system for kitchen's cabinets. He was staying at Del Curto, an all-wood kitchen manufacturer. After all the stainless steel we saw around, it was good to touch some wood.

We also had an interesting time at Arrital (friendly people!) where we learnt about PaperStone, an ecofriendly material for countertops. It seems that it is very expensive (because of the technology for recycling the paper) and a favorite in the countries where pollution ranks high.

And we'd like to spend a few words about Moletta & Co. Italian Atelier, where Mrs. Elisa explained us a few things about craftsmanship in what at first sight might look just as another opulent kitchen for wealthy Russians. Moletta & Co. is for the wealthy, this is for sure: How would you like a studio like this? We Frogs would certainly like it!

Alberto by Italian Atelier

The Kitchens' pavilions were delightful, with more than one cooking show going on. But one thing we noted: in the kitchen area, the real novelties are hiding backstage. This means that the real difference, technologically speaking, is made by what we don't immediately see: hydraulic rams, joints, clutches.

Also, at the Kitchen's area there was an exhibition which captured everybody's heart: *Where Architects Live*. It was not simply about Interiors, it was about the poetry of Interiors.

We leave you with a picture we took at the installation of Studio Mumbai/Bijoy Jain. He will be at Mendrisio, Accademia di architettura for a conference on May the 8th, 2014, 7:30 PM. Don't miss it if you're around!

See you tomorrow for yet another "Special" from the Design World.

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